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29.Ocak.2017, 02:27 #1
Diablo 2 Cam LAN ( Ethernet Girişli Modül )
Türkiye'de İLK ve TEK UyduMarket'te..!
Ethernet (LAN) Girişi ile DVB-S/2 - DVB-T/2 - DVB-C/2 Tuner Destekli Uydu Alıcı veya TV Nizden CCCam Aboneliği Satın Alarak Şifreli Kanalları Seyredebilirsiniz.Yani Uydu Alıcısı Gömülü Bir TV ile BIS Şifreli Kanalları İzlemek Artık Mümkün..Modeminizden Gelen Ethernet Kablosunun Bir Uc Modemde Takılı İken Diğer Ucu Dibalo 2 Lan Modülüne Takılı Olması Dahilinde Modül İnternete Bağlı Olur ve CCCam Server Aboneliğiniz ile Şifreli Kanaları HD Kanallar Dahil Seyredebilirsiniz.DHCP Seçeneği ile Otomatik IP Aldırabilir veya Statik IP Vererek IP Adresinizi Sabitleyebilirsiniz.Dibalo 2 Cam Lan Tüm Yasal Abonelik Kartlarını Okur.( Kart-Cihaz Eşleşmeli Kartlar Hariç )DiabloCam Modül Version Güncelleme , Key Güncelleme vb. Güncellemeleri Bilgisayar Üzerinden Yüklemenizi Sağlayan Programlayıcı Cas3 ; BURADAN İnceleyebilirsiniz.
Diablo CAM 2 LAN is a unique in its kind Conditional Access Modules (CAM) for Common Interface host devices with Ethernet Connection.
It is capable to descramble MPEG2 and MPEG4 Transport Streams in DVB format with advanced and fast PID filtering.
Diablo CAM 2 Lsn embeds Duo Crypt Conditional Access System.
DuoCrypt is a DVB certified CAS (CAID: 4B03) with cost effetive implementation.
DuoCrypt offers a Smartcard-less solution for small and big content providers working in Simulcrypt with existing Conditional Access Systems.
In terms of security Diablo CAM 2 LAN is extremely secure thanks to the internal Control Word management directly connected to the Common Scrambling Algorithm.
No Control Word is ever exchanged with the outside world offering a real solution to Internet Key Sharing aka Card-Sharing problem.
Diablo CAM 2 LAN, why so innovative?
Innovation is given by the Ethernet connection which allows the device to connect to a netwrok surfing on the Internet.
Rock-solid TCP-IP Stack implemented, DHCP or Static IP
Ethernet connection offers to providers the possibility to send selective Control Word to a specific device granting the vision of specific channels only and giving a feedback of what channels in on show at any time.
This opportunity enhances the security and a real time control on the broadcasted channels and more offers a feedback channel for statistics and market research based on watched channels and more.
On-Screen pop-up messages can be delivered directly to each single customer or range of customers. Commercial advertising can be directly offered to a specific group of customers.
Promotional subscriptions can be enabled based on watched-time per channel.
Diablo CAM 2 LAN is also hosting one smartcard in an exclusive design unique in its kind.
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